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Mermaid Tales

Sneak Peek of Our New Site Design!

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Sun Tail Mermaid has been looking pretty blah lately! We've got some site-wide issues that are getting fixed and soon, we'll be showing off our shiny new look. Here's a little sneak peek!Pretty sweet, right? We can't wait! We have a couple more surprises coming down the hatch too: our swimsuit line (bikinis and tankinis) is underway, and we're even working on new mermaid tail designs in new colorways. Yay!

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Fun Games To Play With Your Sun Tail Mermaid

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For children, swimming means a lot of fun and splashes, just like any other watersport. But it is just possible for boredom to set in if going to the water means the same routine day after day. Children are on the lookout to break that monotony and enjoy the water in a different way. You could give them that break by getting their very own Sun Tail Mermaid collection and developing interesting games around mermaid tails, mermaid swimsuits, and shark fins. Here are few you can try.The lone mermaidMermaids and sharks don’t go together, but in this competitive game, they...

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Let's Talk Mermaid Monofin COLOR... And Our New Realistc Scale Mermaid Tails As Well!

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Original Mermaid Monofin Colors Now In Nunui! Almost a year ago, we launched our Keiki kid size monofin in three colors: lavender, royal blue, and kelly green. We now have a rainbow of colors available to choose from, but due to an oversight at our plastics factory, we didn't have those original colors in our Nunui teen/adult size monofin until just recently.They're finally here and better than ever! We love the new, richer kelly green and royal blue colors -- check out the comparison below. Pictured: the new green in the larger Nunui fin behind our current green kid-size Keiki...

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Top 3 Ways To Play With Your Kids That Don't Involve Electronics

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Raising kids is both incredibly tiresome and extremely rewarding. Though it’s fun and relaxing to kick back and watch TV with kids, it should not be the go-to method of entertainment. All kids have a knack for creativity that deserves to be expressed. In fact, we could all stand to learn from the way kids play. Technology is available to kids today that did not exist even five years ago. Keeping up with and acknowledging these changing times is important, but so is retaining technology-free playtime. Making sure your kids get a healthy dose of fun without electronics will keep...

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Why Choose Sun Tail Mermaid For Your Little Ones' Swimming Needs

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Swimming is a great skill for your child to have. When your child is a strong swimmer, it opens up doors for him or her that allow for fun and physical activity. However, getting your child enthusiastic about learning to swim can be difficult. Your child may be fearful of water, or may simply be tired of the same old games and strokes. If you want to encourage your child to love swimming, get creative, and have fun, then Sun Tail Mermaid has the solution for you. Founded on the principle of quality and safety, Sun Tail Mermaid has created...

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