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Is Swimming with a Mermaid Tail a Good Workout?

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Swimming in a mermaid tail is a super fun and magical experience. When we watch mermaid movies or see professional mermaids swim gracefully through the water, it may appear to require little effort. However, swimming in a mermaid tail can be a really good workout.

Build Core Strength
Swimming in a mermaid tail can increase your core strength. While using a mermaid tail, you use the dolphin kick swimming motion which requires keeping your core engaged. You must use your abs, obliques, and lower back muscles to maintain balance and control.

Increasing Leg Power
The dolphin kick swimming motion requires the use of the quad and hamstring muscles to move your mermaid monofin up and down in the water. This motion creates power and propulsion. Overtime, the dolphin kick swimming motion builds endurance and power.

Build Upper Body Strength
You’d think swimming in a mermaid tail only requires lower body strength, but it also utilizes a lot of your upper body. As you swim as a mermaid, you use your arms, shoulders, and chest which builds upper body strength.

Finally, swimming in a mermaid tail can give you a cardio workout. Swimming in a mermaid tail will increase your heart rate and burn calories.

If you are looking for a fun and new way to workout, take into consideration doing some mermaid workouts in the pool. You’ll get into better shape, have fun, and burn calories. Mermaid fitness is fun!!

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