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Are Mermaids Good or Bad?

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Mermaids have been around since the beginning of time. Mermaids generally are depicted as kind, sweet, and loving, but occasionally people believe that there are mermaids that are evil. So, “Are mermaids good or bad?”

Thankfully, all mermaids are good. Mermaids are sweet, kind, and loving protectors of the ocean. Mermaids will not harm humans or their fellow sea creatures. There are many stories of mermaids saving people from drowning and guiding lost ships to shore. Mermaids are good.

So why do we hear stories about mermaids luring sailors to their watery graves? These stories are actually sirens. Sirens are easily confused with mermaids. Sirens have a history of luring sailors to them and drowning the sailors in the depths of the sea. If you hear about a sailor being lured overboard, you can know that it wasn’t a mermaid but a siren.

Are mermaids good or bad? Mermaids are good and are sweet protectors of the ocean. Sirens can be bad and dangerous. If you hear someone say that mermaids are evil, you can let them know that they are talking about a siren and not a mermaid.

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