Mermaid Tales
Do Mermaids Exist?
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We love mermaids. They are so magical, and they have captivated our imaginations through movies, artwork, and books. As a result, mermaids have sparked curiosity and debate. Some say they are pure fantasy while others believe they exist. However, the answer to the question, “Do mermaids exist?” still alludes us. Tales of Mermaid Sightings Through the years, there have been numerous claims of mermaid sightings. However, despite these sightings, there are many who try and discount them. They claim the mermaid sighting was only a normal marine creature or that the observer was physically or psychologically fatigued resulting in seeing...
Video Best Mermaid Tails for Swimming
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How do Mermaids Swim? How Do You Swim like a Mermaid? What is a Monofin?
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How do mermaids swim? Mermaids have a swimming motion similar to a dolphin. Mermaids and dolphins both have a large single fin at the end of their tail that is used to propel them through the water. Mermaids move their large tail fin up and down in the water with a full-body wave motion to create momentum and speed. Mermaid are able to swim circles around other ocean creatures by using their powerful tails also known as flukes. The mermaid fluke is essentially a beautiful wing in the water. The mermaid fluke generates lift on both the downward and upward...
Where are Monofins Made? How Do You Make a Monofin?
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We are proud to say that our mermaid monofins are made in the USA. When you purchase from Sun Tail Mermaid, you are supporting hard working families in the United States of America. Our warehouse/manufacturing building is located in the small town of Ucon in Southeast Idaho. Your purchase from Sun Tail Mermaid creates jobs for people in our community. These jobs include the workers who run the injection molding machines to create the plastic fin portion of the monofin. The other portion of the monofin is called the foot pocket. It take many pieces of various materials to create...
What Mermaid Tails on Amazon get the Best Reviews? Review of Mermaid Tails on Amazon
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We did a search of the top selling mermaid tails on Amazon to see who has the best rating. Here are the rankings (based on their Amazon reviews) at the time of the writing of this post: #1 Sun Tail Mermaid 4.7 stars out of 5 (755 reviews) When looking for a mermaid tail for swimming, the key is the monofin. This is where the Sun Tail Mermaid set shines. Their monofins are superior to the monofins included with other mermaid tail sets on Amazon. The Suntails mermaid tail gives you the best control to do tricks, flips, and turns...