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Where Do Mermaids Live?

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Have you ever wondered where mermaids live? Do they live in Atlantis? Do they live in little cottages under the sea or in a massive castle? Today we’ll discover where mermaids live.

Sea Castles
Sea castles are one of the most common places for mermaids to live. Many mermaids are a part of royal families and have royal blood. Mermaids that are part of royal families live in their family’s castles.

Sea Condos or Mer-houses
Just like people live in houses and condos on earth, mermaids have houses and condos in the ocean. There are many underwater mer-houses and sea condos throughout the seven seas.

Underwater Hotels
When mermaids vacation to different parts of the ocean, they stay in underwater hotels like the Coral Reef Resort, Motel Mermaid, or the Ocean Oasis Resort.

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