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Mermaid Tales

Is it Easier to Swim with a Mermaid Tail?

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Swimming as a mermaid can be super fun and change normal pool time into a magical swimming experience. While it is super fun, one question still arises, “Is it easier to swim with a mermaid tail?” Let’s dive in and find out. In the beginning, trying to swim in a mermaid tail can seem challenging. It can feel restricting, and you may think you can’t swim effectively. However, once you learn the dolphin kick swimming motion, a mermaid tail makes swimming much easier. Swimming in a mermaid tail with a monofin creates more propulsion which helps to keep you afloat...

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Can You Use Mermaid Tails in Swimming Pools?

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We love mermaids so much that we make mermaid tails that transform toddlers, girls, teens, women, and adults into real-life mermaids. To truly be a mermaid, you need water to swim in. This raises the question, “Can you use mermaid tails in swimming pools?” The answer is an astounding, “Yes!” With a capital Y. Swimming in a mermaid tail is super fun and safe. Swimming in a mermaid tail isn’t as dangerous as it may seem. The mermaid monoifn floats so you don’t have to worry about the mermaid tail and monofin weighing you down. The monofin may feel heavy...

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Where Do Mermaids Live?

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Have you ever wondered where mermaids live? Do they live in Atlantis? Do they live in little cottages under the sea or in a massive castle? Today we’ll discover where mermaids live. Sea CastlesSea castles are one of the most common places for mermaids to live. Many mermaids are a part of royal families and have royal blood. Mermaids that are part of royal families live in their family’s castles. Sea Condos or Mer-housesJust like people live in houses and condos on earth, mermaids have houses and condos in the ocean. There are many underwater mer-houses and sea condos throughout...

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How Long Do Mermaids Live?

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Have you ever wondered how long mermaids live or if mermaids can die? We will do our best to answer these questions. Eternal YouthHave you wondered why mermaids typically appear youthful? Some believe that under the sea, there is a magical water like the fountain of youth which mermaids use to stay young forever. Extended LongevityWhile mermaids are part human they don’t have the life expectancy of the average person. Mermaids age at a lot slower rate than humans so they can live for hundreds and even thousands of years. Mermaids are also able to use mermaid magic to offset...

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Who was the First Mermaid?

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Mermaids have brought joy to our lives for many centuries. Mermaids can be found throughout all history. This leads one to ask the questions, “Who was the first mermaid?” and “Where do mermaids come from?” Atargatis: The First MermaidThe first recorded story of mermaids can be traced to 1,000 BC in Assyria. The ancient story tells of Atargatis, the goddess of fertility, love, and the sea. Atargatis fell in love with a human shepherd. Atargatis accidentally causes the death of the man she loved. She was filled with great grief and plunges herself into a lake. The Gods didn’t want...

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